Neurodivergent Consultations Services

Melissa Finley, LCPC works with Gifted, Autistic, PDA, and ADHD adults.

Through my own personal experience and professional training, I use neurodivergent affirming practices that are client led and based in the Neurodiversity Paradigm. Working with clients through the Neurodiversity Paradigm is rooted in the belief that neurodivergent people do not need to be fixed or cured, but rather supported and when necessary, accommodated.
I can provide consultation for those supporting:
  • Clients who you think might be Autistic, PDA, Gifted, 2e or ADHD.
  • Clients who are in relationships with someone who is Autistic, Gifted, or ADHD.
  • Late diagnosed Autistic and ADHD adults.
  • Parents and families with an Autistic, Gifted or PDA child/teen.
  • Neurodivergent couples.

Melissa offers international 1:1 consultation or group case consultations.

Melissa presents to group private practices to discuss topics of language, support, high masking profiles, resources and more.

Contact us today for your free consultation
The commitment is so simple. Let it happen. Begin the journey and amaze yourself with what you will learn, feel, discover, and become.